Postmodern imperialism: Geopolitics and the great games is simply a crucial read for all those who want to harbour an understanding of how imperialism has evolved in to what it is now, the Imperialism of the past with sim0ply a different makeover.

Starting off with describing the environment that surrounded the British Empire, the methods it used for its expansion and the causes of its subsequent decline, Eric Walburg explains how that it was the British Empire that provided the initial blueprint for the US ‘Empire’ in its fight against the red menace – communism.

Although the US planted the initial foundations of Al Qaeda by training and providing funds for the Afghan rebels in their war against communism in 1979, this was also a pivotal factor, along with others being that of democracy, that provided the initial motivations for the US to develop its strategic special relationship with Israel as Israel was successful in defeating another ally of communism – Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt.

It is precisely with the example of Israel where the author argues how Imperialism was able to go through another ‘metamorphosis’. Israel, initially a client state of the US, is in fact in control of the US’s middle east policy and is influential in other nation states through the use of its powerful lobbying groups, its Jewish religious movements like the Chabad Lubavitch movement (which has links to far right organisations like the English Defence League), the Jewish diaspora which is used by Mossad (Israeli secret service) as spies on behalf of the state of Israel and through its mafia like the Kosher nostra who bring in tremendous financial surplus to the Israeli state due to their investment in international security organisations and arms dealing.

Through the various methods mentioned above, the book illustrates how Israel its playing its own geostrategic game to the point of even supplying arms to the competitor of the United states itself – China – in its quest to be the middle easts only regional hegemon – the Greater Israel.

Postmodern Imperialism: Geopolitics and the great games simply provides you with a critical diagnosis of how imperialism has evolved, how we are still living in the age of empires and what nations hold the keys to confronting western imperialism.